Indian Summer
>> Thursday, October 29, 2009
We must be having a little indian summer here in the Carolina's b/c it was warm today and it looks like the next week is going to be beautiful! I was outside with the girls doing a little fall maintenance on the flower beds. This summer there was a brown snake in our veggie garden and after that freaking me out I am a little jumpy when putting my feet in the beds to tidy them up. I am about 95% positive that I killed a black widow while outside just today. We have major spider issues and actually have a bug guy come every 3 months to try and keep them somewhat at bay. They totally skeeve me out so I really like my bug guy. Here is one of the ones that I knocked down - this was taken a little ways away b/c it was up on the garage and still looks huge to me!!
These girls will ride their bikes all day long if we were to let them. I haven't mentioned our fabulous find at Goodwill a few weeks back. This will sound very hard to believe but I promise true story. Our friends lent us their daughter's bike to see if Piper should move up to a 16". She did need a bigger bike so we decided to look around for one. It was a Sunday morning and we all went to a sporting goods store to try and find Matt a new pair of shoes. While there we checked out the bikes and saw this Diamondback for $139. There is a little bike store down the street and we looked there too where the same bike was $149. On our way home we had to drive by a Goodwill where I thought I saw some bikes out front so I asked Matt to double back. He went out to check them out and came back with the EXACT bike and in really great condition for being used all for the price of $10. Yep, $10. We never get deals like that. Piper loves her bike and so does our pocketbook :)
Here are our happy girls enjoying the day. Big fun tomorrow and this weekend. We love, love, love Halloween!
Holy moly! What a heck of a deal you got. I'd be happy/thrilled too. :)
And yech. I've had run in's with both black widows and snakes this year too. I hate those buggers!
That's a wonderful deal! And a very cute photo!
But spiders give me the heebie jeebies just thinking about them!
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