Relay for Life
>> Friday, May 30, 2008
Last year Piper's Grandpa Doug had to have one of his kidneys removed because it had cancer in it. We have not had this disease be so close to home before. Thankfully Grandpa Doug is doing well with his remaining kidney and will even make it down here for Piper's birthday this year.
I think that it is important for all of us to give back if we are able. Life has blessed us and we try to give back not just at events such as Relay for Life but also in everyday life and we are trying to teach the girls to follow our lead. Matt and I decided it would be neat for Piper to do the Kids Walk honoring her Grandpa who is kicking cancer's butt! Unfortunately the girls and I have been sick all week and today was our first outing so Piper actually rode in the stroller rather than walk - there's always next year. Since Piper is only 2 I tried to think of imaginative ways to get some donations. Finally I came up with auctioning off a magnet on a local mom's site that I belong to as they are currently not being sold. About 1/2 way through the auction a super sweet mama offered me up her magnet to also auction off and we ended up with one going for $30 and the other $27 (Thank you so much Dawn and Erin!!) We hope to make this a family tradition whether we end up joining one of the local teams or just keep on being solo it doesn't matter, what matters is finally finding that cure so generations to come won't know cancer as we do. Piper was so excited because Megan even joined us walking - it was really really hot :)
Here are some photo's from tonight (thanks to Megan!!).

We are raising some classy girls down here - don't judge us :)

Piper even won the cake walk - yeah Piper!!

That's awesome that you're supporting a good cause like that! And I love those pics of your girls eating! hehe. :) Too cute!
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