I heart faces - She ♥'s her friends
>> Monday, March 22, 2010
I begged Piper to get up on our wet swingset just so I could try and get a quick picture of her after her playdate today at a little friend's house. What a big girl she is getting to be, she had a drop off playdate. Oh my. This is the 2nd time that she has gone there and the little girl has come here once. I think I will have her over again next Tuesday. Such is the life of a 4 year old socialite I guess :)
Week 12 Challenge - Angles
Piper ♥'s playdates and swingsets! I would have tried to get her swinging but again it is cold and wet here today so this is the best I could do.
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She is a doll!
such a beautiful shot and so crisp and clear!
What a great shot. I love play dates, even with my 3 year old ( or soon to be )!
what a great shot mama! and look at those eyes!!!
oOw! Her eyes are amazing!
Great Picture, Ashley
Such a cutie! Playdates seem to be the highlight of my son's week too, though we haven't done any drop offs yet. I'm not sure how well it would go!
Wonderful angles all through this photo! I love it :)
Drop of playdates - that is the real deal! That is such a beautiful shot of your daughter.
Hey, I want drop off play dates. And eyes like that. Oooh, you're going to have your hands full when she turns into a teenager!
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