Practice Batch?
>> Friday, March 5, 2010
I read once on the Wilton website that you should always make a practice cake before the cake that you need on whichever important day you are making it for (run on sentence much?). "HA!" Who needs to practice? Not me right? Wrong. Thank goodness I made a practice batch of cupcakes today that I was going to make for Ruby's 1st birthday in just 2 weeks. Not only did I start off with a new cake recipe I have been wanting to try but being bullheaded as I am (and reading a few of the cakes reviews that said the cake didn't rise much) I filled the cupcakes too full and right now my house has the wonderful aroma of burned cake. Ugh! This was supposed to be a pick me up for Piper who had to stay home from school today b/c she is under the weather.
Isn't she pitiful? This week they learned about rainbows. Today was show & tell and she wanted to wear her favorite rainbow shirt. Ahh, what little girl doesn't love rainbows, butterflies & unicorns? She was so disappointed to miss it that I decided to surprise her with rainbow cupcakes. I am not even going to embarrass myself with the full picture of the pan lol :)
But after a little bit of doctoring
They didn't turn out half bad :) The best part is I have a little bit of left over frosting I made for the bowl o'cake garbage shown above. Yum!
You want to know something crazy? The red/pink was the first layer and somehow it ended up near the top on some of the cupcakes. Weird. Thankfully most of the bottom of my oven is covered w/tin foil but I still see my afternoon scrubbing. Darn it - but lesson learned. Now I know what to do and what not to do so these are going to rock for our little Ruby! The cupcakes are pretty time consuming but I can't wait to do it all over again :)
Ohhh, my daughter would love these and the icing looks so yummy. What recipe did you use? You should turn the "cake mess" into cake balls, although there might not me enough cake. Have you seen those things at They're awesome! Great work cheering up your little gal.
I hope she's feeling better!
I love the rainbow cupcakes. Even if they didn't go as planned, they still look yummy!
I would love to know the recipe. I've never seen cupcakes that are different colors. Lyndsy would love that. So if you don't mind sharing, would you pass along the recipe?
Those are the funnest cupcakes!! And they definitely looked yummy - even though they overflowed a little. :) Hope Piper feels better soon!!!
I had a cupcake disaster for my daughter's 4th b-day. I wanted to make them in ice cream cones. They didn't bake long enough, the middle was still raw. Hubby went out and bought another box of cake mix so I could get enough cup cones to send to preschool. Ugh!
Are you kidding me? I don't care if you burned the tops, those are AMAZING! I've never seen such bright and colorful cupcakes before. I count those as a success. :)
Oh yeah, I hope Piper is better soon. She looks so sad laying there. :(
I have seen these cupcakes before and have always wanted to try them. They looked pretty good considering. :)
I think they are still cute! I like the cupcake "stew" in the bowl. :D
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