To the big city we go :)

>> Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yesterday the girls and I went to the city to have some lunch with our good friends Shawna and Amber. We got to ride the trolley (bus that looks like a trolley) to the restaurant and then got to watch the train come and go from the restaurant. It took Piper a bit to warm up but once she is warm watch out b/c she'll talk your ear off, which she did to Shawna on our walk back to their office. Now Violet on the other hand is a challenge b/c of her temper and she is also very clingy with me right now so that doesn't help. I so wanted her to be outgoing yesterday but she is a mama's girl right now that is for sure. Anyway, we had a ball and hope to do it again sometime soon. Afterwards we headed to a mall so I could return some items and they got a double treat - a carousel ride. Piper rode on a bench and Violet on a mermaid horse. It was fun that is for sure. We ended the day with Megan coming for supper which both girls love. It was a very good day, but mama is TIRED OUT!

Hopefully I will actually get a Wordless Wednesday post out today, I have been slack with the camera this week.


Busy with contests

>> Saturday, April 26, 2008

The past few days my nights have consisted of watching the few shows that I am addicted to (LOVED the past Lost episode!!) and entering as many of the Bloggy Giveaway contests that interested me. There were more than 800 blogs offering prizes, I no where near entered them all only the ones that I thought our family (me) would enjoy the most. Keep your fingers crossed that we get a package :)

The last few days have been HOT to say the least. The kids have been outside almost all day. Between the swing set and our big deck they have been tired girlies at night time. Now if Violet would just SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT we would be all set. I have been playing with my camera again and trying my best to keep it out of auto mode but it is hard when you have 2 fast moving kiddos running every which way. Oh, how I love auto mode :) Anyway, this morning the girls sat outside and played with their playdoh while I played with my camera and drank my cup of coffee. Aren't they sweet :) I totally screwed around with these photos and I am not sure that I like what the end result is...will have to learn more about "fixing" photos.


Wordless Wednesday - Piper's Tricycle

>> Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Late last week Piper learned how to pedal AND steer at the same time- there is no stopping her now!

More WW can be found at 5 Minutes for Mom :)


Is it summer yet?

>> Friday, April 18, 2008

Technically no but it is darn close. Sure it may get cool again but I am hoping that the real cold stuff stays away now until winter. The kids were bored today so I dug out the water table that we LOVE over here. Notice the time that I am sitting down writing this blog, the kids have been asleep for a half hour :) Violet's nose is running like crazy, most of the pictures have snot in them b/c of this. I swear she is cutting teeth but I can't figure out which ones.

Then I decided to try and get one of them together, that NEVER works out for me. This picture is is far from being phenomenal but it will get printed out for the fridge b/c I haven't got one of them together since last year! Girls, girls, girls - you're killing me!

I realized that I still haven't taken pictures of the flower bed that I did last week, maybe tomorrow. We are hosting a little playgroup over here so I might have the camera out there by the play area some time or another. All of us girls are missing Daddy :( Love you baby!


The hair

>> Monday, April 14, 2008

is overtaking our house. This time of year when the dogs and cat are shedding so bad all I see is hair flying around. Gross. I like the dogs and all but now with kids the hair is different to me. I try to keep it under control but if I miss a day or room you will see it everywhere. A few days ago I was playing with Violet and listening to some music on the computer and she decided to put on a pair of her sunglasses so I snapped away b/c she looks too much like Elton John for me not to you know? It wasn't until today that I finally downloaded the photos off my camera onto the computer and looked at them that I saw the hair was even on those glasses! But she does look really cute right? Now, off to clean!


Run, run, run

>> Friday, April 11, 2008

After all the (much needed) rain that we had last week I felt that I had to get the girls out to play this week to make up for it, and that we did! We had wheels on our butts for sure this week and yesterday I got a 4 hour nap out of the both of them so I guess they have been having fun too! Today we visited with Leslie, Kyle, and baby Ryan - let me just say it is GORGEOUS out there today in the Carolinas! Violet just doesn't act like a 15 month old she just wants to keep up with the 2 year olds so badly!

Check out her making believe she is riding the tractor - of course she really couldn't do it yet but she loved it when we pressed the "gas" and made her go.

This afternoon when the babes wake up I am taking them to a local nursery to plant over by the play area. I hope that Piper will enjoy doing that with me while baby Violet plays with Daddy tomorrow. Now I have to get off of here and go and try to make a plan on what to plant, Piper will help pick colors but I am not a green thumb so I need to know what kind of plants to look for. Wish us luck! We will post pictures of it when done b/c I know I will be proud and hopefully she will be too.


Your eyes are gonna stay like that

>> Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We were driving home from the store and she was in the back saying "Mommy look, mommy look, mommy look" - "I am driving Piper, I can't just turn around" (when did I turn old and not fun - oh yeah last week). We got to a place where I could finally turn around and what I saw was my daughter crossing her eyes trying to see her nose - nice look for her btw. My phone battery was almost dead so I wasn't able to capture the moment right away but asked her if she might do it for me again when we got home. After a snack of cheese (still on her face I see) here is the shot I got. This comes from her dad I just know it :)



>> Thursday, April 3, 2008

I am feeling horrible today and the weather outside is not helping matters. It is just cold and wet out there, ugh! Want to know what makes a dreary day like today even worse? The dead animal in my back yard! Yes, I probably should have gone out there this morning and got it but this morning I felt HORRIBLE. I had high hopes that the crew of crows would take it to their nest somewhere but that didn't happen. The girls and I woke up to a hawk in our yard but it didn't take it away either! Now, 6 hours later, the hawk has returned and my husband wants a picture of it. You may recognize him as the SAME HAWK from my post a few weeks back but Matt thinks that it is a different one so here you go dear...


Wordless Wednesday - Crazy Hair

>> Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Look at Violet's wild hair - I wonder if it will stay curly like her big sister's has?

To see more of the WW fun get on over to 5 Minutes for Mom. I will have to show Piper today's photo over there of a cutie wearing a PANDA hat - she will want one for sure!

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I am 45 years old and married to my best friend Matthew. We are the parents of 3 girls, 2 dogs, and a cat. This is the story of us, try to stay awake.
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