A New Hobby?
>> Monday, December 27, 2010
Somedays I think I should find a new hobby. Less expensive. Maybe cleaning the house. Hubs wouldn't mind if that became my passion. Unfortunately for him it is not. Taking pictures really does it for me though. Always has. Long ago I would waste rolls of film on my animals. I have albums of my dogs & cats. Now I have little people to chase after and bribe. I can take pictures of my kids all day long if they would let me. They don't. Right now it is nap time and they are ALL asleep. It is my time to get things done. What am I doing? Going over the pictures I took of our Ruby today. A sickness is what it is!

Tomorrow I will probably clean the house. Maybe. We'll see :)
I'm getting ready to bathe the kids to avoid cleaning. LOL I did go out yesterday in flip flops to snap a quick pic of the hummingbird feeder. It was like an inverted snow cone! I couldn't resist!
It's funny - I was told this weekend that I need a hobby after I gave a pretty quirky gift. I laughed and said THIS IS IT! I love everything about photography...I wouldn't have it any other way. Cleaning can wait!
How could you do anything BUT look at those faces???
Clean houses are overrated, you can so much see the sparkles in the pictures!
How could you care about cleaning when you have these beautiful little girls around you? :)
The friends whose houses I'm most comfortable in are the ones who have a "lived in" look and not those that are immaculately clean.
It's a good addiction, you're very good at it! Plus, with subjects as beautiful as your girls, who could resist? I mean...look at ruby. Too cute.
You will not sit some day and cry, laugh and smile over the sweeping or dishes. These precious pictures - will be heart warming FOREVER!!
You've got a GREAT hobby! :)
Hahaha. I have the same "sickness", Jessie! :)
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