Jack - 2010
>> Friday, December 24, 2010
When did an elf become so popular. We were talking to a friend yesterday and his daughter had a play date with another little girl last week. The little girl came in the house and started looking all around. I asked our friend if his house had a lot of decorations and he said "No, she was looking for an elf". Are parents putting the fear of being good in the hands of a stuffed elf? Our elf is an antique given to us by the girls grandparents. They do not know where he came from and for now think he just appears when we get back from Thanksgiving in Ohio. Jack is more fun for them to hunt than a direct line to the big guy. They enjoy seeing where he is hiding each morning but other than that they don't really behave any better because he is around. So when they are misbehaving we tell them
"Remember girls, Jack can talk to Santa"
"Really? How?"
"Umm, magic?"
"Is he real?"
"You mean a real elf?"
"No, like us real?"
"Well, umm, he isn't exactly like us real. Umm, but (repeat) he can talk to Santa!"
They might only be 3 & 5 but they seem to know better. I have even tried the "Santa is watching and he won't bring you anything" but is that really true? I am not quick enough on my feet to out smart the under 4' crowd lol :)
Jack may reappear a few more years at Casa Lucas but after that I think he will hang up his stripped stockings and live happily ever after as a tree ornament. At least then we won't have to worry at 3am that he is still in the same spot as the day before :)
Wow what a great shot!!! Merry Christmas!!!
That is so cute and I'm so glad you sent me an email. Every so often, blogger will drop someone from my reader and I don't know who it is...or who I haven't been visiting. I'll be sure you're added back in. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Great pic of Jack. Our Andy has flown to the safe. (I'm too afraid to stuff him in Christmas boxes) I love his magic, but like yours, the girls are just a bit hmmmmmmmmm about it all.
I love the elf idea! I have never heard of that before! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Thanks for stopping by today! :)
LOL! I haven't done the elf thing, but we do Santa every year and this is the second year in a row where the kids got personalized videos from the man himself --straight from the North Pole! You should see the look of wonder and awe on their faces when they heard and saw Santa address them by name and knew tidbits about them! You should try it next year...
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