Christmas is always such a fun and magical time of the year. If you are unlucky enough to be out and about the day or two prior however you might disagree with me. Some people are so focused on the items that they "need" to get that they forget common courtesy. By no means am I saying I am perfect and haven't been one of them but this year I promised myself to concentrate on the holiday and not the gifts as much. I ventured out to Walmart at approximately 4 pm December 23rd to food shop and met a lot of those crazy people but also many, many extraordinarily nice ones. Lesson learned though - don't go to Walmart the week prior to Christmas lol :)
A quick look back on the holiday shows Ruby still struggling with a bug. Her nose runs the worst in the mornings but a cough is making it very difficult for her to sleep at night. Violet getting a bug. Last night she swapped beds with her Daddy and slept with Ruby and I b/c she needed to be near me. Matt thinks he is feeling the beginning of an illness coming on - ugh! It won't stop until it makes it's way through our family I am sure but hopefully won't prevent us from heading to the zoo in the morning for our annual "Day after Christmas Zoo Trip" :)
Here is our baby with her runny nose yesterday - bless her heart :(
Last night we opened our pj's, drove and found a new place that had fabulous Christmas lights (thanks Dana), spread out our magic reindeer food (thanks Steph), and decorated Santa's cookies. He asked for chocolate chip but I already had made the sugar dough so we gave him a few on the side.
Violet & Piper's cookies
There was happiness all around this morning. The girls got the present that they asked for, I got a pedometer, Matt a new jacket & hat - life is good. Check out Piper pointing to her new doll Kit in both pictures - do you think she LOVES her much?
And our little photographers...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night :)