Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
>> Saturday, December 19, 2009
I moved AWAY from the snow b/c of how much I dislike it. Since having kids I do enjoy it in VERY small quantities and I do like that it normally only lasts on the ground a few days and then *poof* it's gone again. We were supposed to get hit yesterday with 12-14 inches of snow. You know who got hit? 15 miles north of us and we got a measly 2". That is ok b/c 2" to a 4 & (almost *sniff sniff*) 3 year old it is like 10 feet. They went out last night and rode down our driveway on sleds, threw snowballs at their Daddy, and made beautiful snow angels. What fun! This morning they were back at it again. They were out so long that they needed a mitten change b/c it is melting already so it is very wet. Got to love a southern snow storm :)
Frosty was covered in ice.
Southern icicles
beautiful! we got nothing here :(
I am so impressed the girls have snowsuits! :) My Northerners couldn't believe pics I sent last year of the girls enjoying the NC snow in their jeans/sweatpants. (Even used the top of the garbage can to sled.) When we had moved down there I EMBRACED the fact of no more winters..... Enjoy it while it lasts!
How did I miss this post? Jessie, your photography here is a-maz-ing! That first shot is breathtaking! I'm so glad you all go the "just right" amount of snow. :)
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