Happy 3rd Birthday Violet!!
>> Thursday, December 31, 2009
What a lucky little girl to have her birthday on such a fun day, she just doesn't know it yet :) This morning we let her open 1 of her presents sent to us from family in Ohio. It was a finger painting set - woo hoo - Color Wonder even so no messes :) I tried to get her to wear her favorite little tutu given to her when she turned 2 so that I could get some cute 3 year old birthday pictures but she wasn't into it at all!
Funny though that she is probably the sickest out of the family but still insisted on coming with me to run some errands. Crazy girl! We picked up some steaks for supper and a little something for Piper so she wouldn't feel left out. Next came naps,
do NOT get stainless appliances if you have kids under 4. They are clean for about 3 minutes and then the hand prints magically appear :)
I think she will LOVE this!
Happy Birthday Violet!!
What a fun night! Happy Birthday Violet! We hope you had a good birthday and feel better soon.
Jeff, Rachael & Olivia
Happy Birthday to her! I hope she's feeling better!
And I'm glad to hear you got the helium tank!
The tutu photo is perfection. Her somber expression totally works for that shot. What a lucky little girl she is, and what a lucky mama you are to have not just one, but three beautiful little princesses. :)
Oh, and I forgot to say, cool birthday cake!
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