Daylight Savings
>> Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ugh! I wonder how everyone else's homes are doing with the time change. We have early risers normally but now our home is getting up SUPER early! She doesn't sleep through the night yet but after her last feeding Ruby would sleep until 6-6:30ish before but now she hears the other girls get up with Matt at 5:30 and is "let's go!" Ouch! She has been ready for a nap by 7:30 which obviously isn't possible b/c of responsibilities so we have a crabby babe. Yesterday Matt had a day trip and got up at 4:30 to get ready. Piper and Violet got up with him and NEVER went back to sleep until their naps. Piper was already starting to feel the effects of getting up so early by 9 when she had to go to school. I almost thought about keeping her home b/c who wants to deal with an overtired child? This had to stop! I spoke to both of them when I put them to bed and after he returned home Matt and I made our plan and knew that there might be some tears shed this morning when they were told they had to stay in bed. Who could have known the amount and volume of the tears. We'll try again some other day :(
All of the blogs I go to have buttons so I made our blog one. I hope it works :)
That has got to be rough! Raya wakes up once (or twice) a night and I have to fuss with her to get her back to sleep. So we're in the same process of making her stay in bed. It's tough I know! Hopefully your girls will adapt quickly.
Love the button. I'll try to figure out how to add it to my blog. :)
Great Button! I added it to my blogroll page and it works! :) And yeah...I've heard so many bad stories about time is it that we were lucky enough to end up living in the ONLY province in Canada (and I think there's also only 1 state in the US...I think!!) that has NO TIME CHANGE! Ever! My kids have never a time change experience...and well, from the sounds of it I'm really grateful that I'VE never had to deal with time change with kids yet...hope your kids figure it out soon and sleep in longer. :)
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