Monsters vs. Aliens
>> Sunday, March 29, 2009
Monsters vs. Aliens came out on Friday. I have no clue if it is even good or not but it looked cute and Piper was drawn to the commercials, probably b/c she liked Monster's Inc. so much. She had not been to a movie yet in the theater but I knew she would sit though one so I asked Matt if he might like to take her this afternoon for a Daddy & Piper date. They had a great time and she kept the 3D glasses on almost the entire time. Matt said that she just loved eating all the popcorn and the big screen. Gosh I wish I would have been there to see it all, my baby is growing up :)

I have been feeling bad for Piper lately. It is my own fault for the most part, I just expect too much from my 3 year old. She has been so great with the new baby coming home and I know that it is quite an adjustment for her too even though she acts like she just wants to be mama's helper. One thing that I have noticed that I need to work on not allowing to happen is if Piper has something and Violet wants it Violet will SCREAM until Piper just finally gives in and lets her have whatever it is she is screaming for. The worst part is that I have let her give up *insert whatever here* and that is totally unfair to my oldest. So, I am going to work really hard on that even though I know that there will be tantrums but I want to teach Piper that she doesn't have to be a pushover. Share, yes - give up *whatever*, no. Hopefully today made her feel like the special little girl that she is. When I asked what her favorite part was she said it was being with her Daddy, awww.
Here's an A+ to Matt for remembering to take a picture!!
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