Done, Done, Done!
>> Friday, March 6, 2009
So many things are *hopefully* done this week.
I am not sure that I have ever been so ready to have a baby and so over being pregnant before. Today I am 38 weeks pregnant and know fully well that I may have to go another 2+ weeks before delivering but that does not change the fact that I wanted it to happen yesterday. No, not that yesterday was such a great day but I want it over, done with. I want to meet our new babe and our new life to start already. With Piper I had so much patience with my pregnancy and Violet came a few weeks early so she was a surprise - maybe that is where this is coming from b/c it happened early once so I am hoping/praying constantly that it will happen that way this time too. We have had some nice cool weather the past few weeks so I have had zero swelling and I feel pretty good still so that is a bonus.
Today I had an appointment and they said babes head was nice and low - that was it folks! The girls and I went to an outlet mall sort of near our home and walked it and then I had a spicy burrito for lunch, I will do every old wives tale (well except castor oil) until our bean makes it's appearance :) Tonight I will be enjoying sushi with the girls - I wonder if wasabi counts as "spicy" since the heat only lasts for a few seconds. Like I said I am hoping SOMETHING works!
Ok, enough preggo complaining. How about NC? 11 degrees Monday morning and 70+ Friday afternoon -!! Is winter officially done - it would be nice.
Violet has been really funny about Frosty melting outside. She keeps us updated on his deterioration.
Here is what is left and the only reason that this is still here is b/c we don't get too much sun in the spot we made him.
This weekend is supposed to be equally beautiful so I am hoping for our yard to dry out and some fun activities with the kiddos out back. Maybe I can even get a walk out of my husband - he is sick of me being pregnant too, says I am mean. I AM NOT MEAN!! :)
Have i told you lately that I love you??!! I do. I love reading your blog and i love your pics. I can still picture your laugh. It's great. i'm so glad we reconnected.
AND...i'm sooo excited for this new baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see pics! Good luck with everything! I wish you the best. And again, i'm so happy you're happy! love ya girl. ANG
Oh yeah...those last few weeks were always the LONGEST for me...hope your little one decides to make an appearance sooner than later...I can't WAIT to meet him/her too! ;)
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