Inspired By Finn Amber Teething Necklace Giveaway!

>> Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If you have ever seen a picture of our little Ruby I am sure that you noticed the necklace that she wears. We get comments on it all the time and then I take that opportunity to tell them that it is amber and helps with pain. I did not know about the benefits of amber until pregnant with her. I bought the necklace when she started teething at 3 months old and she has worn one ever since. Recently I had the pleasure to review an amber necklace by Inspired By Finn. The necklace we received was very well made. If you are afraid of your child breaking it and the beads becoming loose don't, they are individually knotted to insure that won't happen. We chose the rainbow round necklace and I think it looks beautiful on our girl, don't you?

From their site:
Historically, Baltic Amber has been used in Europe as a natural and traditional remedy and curative for many ailments for centuries. Long ago it was considered one of the leading ‘medicines’ of its time. Baltic Amber is the most esteemed amber in the world, and the healing qualities of Baltic Amber make it unlike any other type of amber found in the world.
When baltic amber is worn on the skin, the skin’s warmth releases trace amounts of healing oils from the amber. These oils contain succinic acid and are absorbed into the skin.

Baltic Amber has some of the highest concentrations of Succinic Acid found in nature, and this is what makes it so special. Succinic Acid is a natural component of plant and animal tissues, and it's presence in the human body is beneficial in many ways.

Baltic amber contains analgesic properties and helps take the edge off of many types of discomfort associated with dental issues, headaches, joint pain, etc.

I encourage you to read more about amber's benefits especially if you have a teething babe or perhaps you have some mild pain. I know many mamas that wear these and swear by them!

'Like' Inspired By Finn on Facebook and receive 20% off your total order, please use code FB20.
'Like' Inspired By Finn on Facebook AND use the 'Suggest to Friends' link to save 25% off your total order. If you choose to do this one please use code FB25 at checkout.

Inspired By Finn is offering one of my readers a 16" or smaller amber necklace of your choice. Just to gauge sizing I ordered Ruby a 12.5-13" necklace and she is 18 months old.
Please include your email address with your comment if it is not visible on your profile or you do not have a blog - thanks!

Mandatory Entry: Visit Inspired By Finn and let me know which necklace you would choose if you won and who it would be for. With so many pretty options to choose from I won't hold you to your decision today :)

Extra Entries
1. 'Like' Inspired By Finn on Facebook.
2. Follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest.
3. Request to be on Inspired By Finn's email list to receive sale and product information
4. Follow my blog publicly.
5. 5 extra entries for making a purchase from Inspired By Finn now until the the
end of the giveaway on October 4, 2010.

Please leave a separate comment for any additional entries. Contest ends October 4, 2010 at 11:59 pm. Open to all my US & Canadian friends!


Sarah Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I love the honey round, my son is dying for one like his sisters
sarahbrandt06 at yahoo dot com

Jesica Quenby Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our little man just turned one and is teething like crazy!

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would get the raw cider

Sarah Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like inspired by fin on FB
sarahbrandt06 at yahoo dot com

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Like Inspired by finn on fb

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

On mailing list

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Purchased from IbF

Earthybirthy Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I just purchases an 11-12.5" for my 3 month old son yesterday! I'd love to get another for the 4 month old my sister nannys for

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Purchased from IbF (2)

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Purchased from IbF (3)

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Purchased from IbF (4)

Sarah Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I follow your blog!!
SarahBrandt06 at yahoo dot com

luvlieK - Kelly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Purchased from IbF (5)

Keri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would love to have a semi-polished lemonade or mixture in the 12-12.5" length for my 3 month old teething son!
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Vanessa Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like the "Diversity" necklace. And I have a bunch of friends who either just gave birth or are going to soon. I would probably give it to whoever needs or wants it the most!

Keri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I LIKE Inspired By Finn on facebook!
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Vanessa Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like Inspired by Finn on Facebook!

Jen B Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'd get one of the Raw/Semi-Polished Opaque necklaces in Lemonade for my little guy.


Jen B Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like Inspired by Finn on facebook (Jennifer Burgess)


Jen B Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I follow your blog publicly with GFC

cschreiner Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would choose the Turmeric & Cream CHIPS necklace for my 6 month old daughter. She's having a hard time teething.

cschreiner Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like Inspired by Finn on facebook.

coffee_pot Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I think I would like the "great for boys" - Molasses. My son is almost 8 and struggles with ADHD, Anxiety and Sensory issues. I really wonder if this could help.

cschreiner Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm following your blog

pollyhyper Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would love one for myself as well, but my son needs it more (2 teeth down, lots more to go!) and I would choose for him the youth "pumpkin and butter round" necklace.

Elizabeth Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

We would love the rainbow one for my daughter!

pollyhyper Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

like on FB

pollyhyper Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

signed up for IbF mailing list!

Tara Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

the raw cider
taraz9 at excite dot com

Calla Kingsbury Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I think the Raw/Semi-Polished Opaque necklaces in Lemonade would look super cut on my little man!

Jill Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

If I were to win I'd get the 4 different colored round necklace for my daughter. She's almsot 7mos and is beginning teething.

Jill Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like inspired by finn on fb.

Jill Daniel

Tara Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

'Like' Inspired By Finn on Facebook
taraz9 at excite dot com

Jill Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm signed up for their newsletter.

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like the pumpkin & butter round necklace. My daughter could use one right now. She is cutting teeth like crazy!

S. Chaffee Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

My favorite is the semi-polished Diversity necklace. I hope it comes in adult sizes soon!

coffee_pot Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm a fan of Finn on fb.

HomemadeBaby Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would choose a 13" butter round for my daughter who is teething quite a bit!
marysa at marysa dot com

coffee_pot Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

following you now on twitter.

S. Chaffee Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like Inspired By Finn on FB!

HomemadeBaby Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I 'Like' Inspired By Finn on Facebook.
Marysa Nicholson - marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I subscribe to Inspired By Finn's email list.
marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect (“HomeMadeBaby”)
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com

Karen Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would pick either the Rainbow Round necklace or the 2 Different Round Dark in either 14.5 - 15 inches or 15-16 inches. I would give it to my 7 year old daughter to help her with her sensory issues. She is autistic and is very sensitive to touch, even something as simple as a hug, kiss or getting her hair brushed pains her. I would love for her to try a necklace and see if it lessens the pain she feels and lets the love come through instead.

Mother of 2 beautiful daughters

P.S. I like Inspired By Finn on FB, I am following you publicly, and I have requested to receive discount codes via email from IBF. Unfortunately, I do not twitter, so I cannot get an extra entry that way, nor can I afford to purchase on the website now (although if I could, I would be buying necklaces for myself with wrist pain, my husband for back pain, my 7 year old for her autism, and my 8 month old for teething because I am a STRONG believer in the powers of amber).

Mary Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would get the maple syrup chips necklace for my daughter Alice who is working on her back teeth!

Mary Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I follow ibF on FB

kristen Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

by daughter need a new rainbow round =) love love love these.

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

purchased a necklace from inspired by finn

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I liked inspired by finn on facebook

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

i requested to be on inspired by finn's mailing list

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

bought necklacke from inspired by finn

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

purchased necklace from inspired by finn

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

purchased from ibf

ashley vangraafeiland Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

purchased from ibf

Lindsey Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I *think* I would choose the 4 Different Round! How do you choose!?!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like Inspired By Finn on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Sheri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I love the Butter Round! We are huge fans of IBF for years.

Lindsey Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm following you on Twitter & Tweeted.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I requested to be on Inspired By Finn's newsletter!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Sheri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I "liked" IBF on FB.

Lindsey Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm following your blog via GFC!

Oh... & the necklace would be for my 4 month old daughter who is starting to show signs of definite teething!!!!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Sheri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I am now following you in Twiter

Sheri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I am now publicly following your blog.

Sheri Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Joined the mailing list!

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

loven the 16' pumpkin & butter round 16" necklace. MorganSpiker(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would get the raw Lemonade.

Unknown Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I follow you with GFC.

Unknown Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like IbF on Facebook!

Unknown Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm on IbF's email list!

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Been looking at these necklaces for awhile now. Think about getting them as Christmas gifts for the little ones and even my mom! My friends all say they are amazing!

Tracy Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Love these. Do I really have to choose now. They're are so many I like, lol
Oh and I like inspired by finn on fb

Kimberly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I've been searching for the perfect necklace & a friend refered me here. I'd get the rainbow round for my lil sweetie.
kimberlydklatt (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kimberly Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'm a follower on facebook!

Andrea Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like the Great forBoys! Cider - but I'd probably use it for a girl! :)

Andrea Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I follow your blog

Andrea Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

'liked' inspired by fin on facebook

melanie Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like the butter round

Melanie Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like inspired by Finn on facebook

Tara Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Love the oval magnetic, light. For sweet, teething, 5 month old Reagan.
"Like" IBF on FB.
Following your blog publically.
Following and tweeted.
On mailing list.

Catherine Piepenbrink Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I would love to win a honey round necklace for my daughter!

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I like the amber honey round for my 17 month-old daughter or the amber nursing necklace for myself!

Jenn H

ejhamner AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Extra Entry #1: I "like" Inspired by Finn on Facebook.

Jenn H.

ejhamner AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Extra Entry #2: I requested to be on Inspired by Finn's email list.

Jenn H.

ejhamner AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

Extra Entry #3: I placed an order from Inspired by Finn just last night (9/20/10)--does that count?

Jenn H.

ejhamner AT hotmail DOT com

jenn0350 Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I'd get the Raw Semi polished mixture!

jenn0350 Tuesday, September 21, 2010  

I Like Inspired by Finn on Facebook

jennifer7516 at hotmail dot com

Mama K Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I Like "Inspired by Finn" on FB

Mama K Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I'd choose Round 4-color; or Butter round

Mama K Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I follow your blog publically.

Unknown Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I would choose one for my 6 year old daughter. I also like on facebook

Meghan Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I like IbF on FB!

Meghan Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I have one for myself and one for my oldest daughter, now I have to get one for my 4 month old, maybe the honey round!

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I would choose a 14.5" cider amber semi-polished necklace.
I like Finn on FB.
Suzi MacDougall

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I suggested to be on the Finn mailing list.
Suzi MacDougall

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I bought a 17" butter round amber necklace.
Suzi MacDougall

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I bought a 17" butter round amber necklace.
Suzi MacDougall

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I bought a 17" butter round amber necklace.
Suzi MacDougall

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I bought a 17" butter round amber necklace.
Suzi MacDougall

SisterSewn Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I bought a 17" butter round amber necklace.
Suzi MacDougall

Natalie A. Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I like the rainbow like you got or the Light Mix ROUND! Thanks!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I follow your site!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I like them on Facebook!
Natalie Aho.......

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Natalie A. Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I follow and tweeted!

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Leslie Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I love the dark green/black round. It would be for my son who is 5mo old
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I like inspired by flynn on FB
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I have requested to be on IBF email list
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I follow you blog publicly
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Kasey Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I would use the Amber Disc (23/24 inches). I have chronic headaches caused by PseudoTumor Cerebri. Medication does not help these headaches caused by excess spinal fluid in my brain. I also have chronic arthritis and associated pain in my ankle from 5 ankle surgeries.

MOMFOREVERANDEVER Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

honey round for a good friend

Mama Musings Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I love the honey round necklace.
My Daughter is teething molars! eek!

Mama Musings Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I like Inspired by Finn on Facebook

Annie1 Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

I'd choose the Great forBoys! Lemonade


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

'Like' Inspired By Finn on Facebook.

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

follow you on twitter



nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

requested to be on Finn's mailing list


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 Wednesday, September 22, 2010  

Follow you via GFC



nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Buckeroomama Thursday, September 23, 2010  

Z has one of these teething necklaces and people always comment on how pretty it is. :)

Kimberly Thursday, September 23, 2010  

Wowee! Look at this post. 118 comments. Wow. :) Thursday, September 23, 2010  

adult amber necklace

Shanna Thursday, September 23, 2010  

I would choose the "Diverstiy" necklace for my little baby boy...he's 5 and 1/2 months old and sure to be starting the painful process of cutting teeth soon!

shannatempel at hotmail do com

Shanna Thursday, September 23, 2010  

I like inspired by finn on fb!
shannatempel at hotmail do com

Shanna Thursday, September 23, 2010  

following you on twitter @shannatempel
shannatempel at hotmail do com

Shanna Thursday, September 23, 2010  

following publicly via GFC!
shannatempel at hotmail do com

mogrill Thursday, September 23, 2010  

I like the Honey Round.
Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous Thursday, September 23, 2010

I like the light mix!

Anonymous Thursday, September 23, 2010  

I like Finn on fb!

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I like Finn on Fb:)

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I bought a butter round 11 1/2-12 extra entry 1

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I bought a butter round 11 1/2-12 extra entry 2

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I bought a butter round 11 1/2-12 extra entry 3

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I bought a butter round 11 1/2-12 extra entry 4

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I bought a butter round 11 1/2-12 extra entry 5

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I now follow u on twitter & tweeted:)

Elizabeth Friday, September 24, 2010  

I follow ur blog:)

Niecey Friday, September 24, 2010  

I would choose the cider

Niecey Friday, September 24, 2010  

I like inspired by finn on facebook

niecey docherty

Niecey Friday, September 24, 2010  

I follow you on twitter and tweeted

Niecey Friday, September 24, 2010  

I follow your blog publicly

Lauren Ali Sunday, September 26, 2010  

I like the Rainbow Round in 16" for my little one who will soon begin teething.

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Lauren Ali Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Liked IbF on FB

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Lauren Ali Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Signed up for IbF's newsletter

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Lauren Ali Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Following your blog

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

I would buy the Rainbow Round with a magnetic clasp.

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

'Liked' Inspired By Finn on FB.

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Following you on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway.

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Emailed and requested mailings.

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Following your blog.

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Placed an order for 2 necklaces today! Order #20932

Entry 1

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Placed an order for 2 necklaces today! Order #20932

Entry 2

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Placed an order for 2 necklaces today! Order #20932

Entry 3

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Placed an order for 2 necklaces today! Order #20932

Entry 4

Mama.Mommy.Mom. Sunday, September 26, 2010  

Placed an order for 2 necklaces today! Order #20932

Entry 5

Kimberly Thursday, September 30, 2010  

I'd pick the yellow round for my niece.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Mama K Friday, October 01, 2010  

Just purchased from IBF

Mama K Friday, October 01, 2010  

Purchase #2
I am totally liking the semi-polished multi-colors

Mama K Friday, October 01, 2010  

Purchase #3
I really hope she can do a semi-polish in MY size!

Mama K Friday, October 01, 2010  

Purchase #4
Would love to see if it helps my chronic sinus inflam.

Mama K Friday, October 01, 2010  

Can't wait to get my "Diversity" necklace for our little guy. (Purchase -#5 entry)

Anonymous Sunday, October 03, 2010  

I would get the honey round 13 inch, I'm a fan on fb & email addy is!

Elena G Sunday, October 03, 2010  

I would choose the 14” Mixture Semi-Polished necklace for my son.

Elena G Sunday, October 03, 2010  

I am a fan of Inspired By Finn on Facebook (Elena Shkinder-Gugel).

Elena G Sunday, October 03, 2010  

Follow your blog publicly with GFC (Elena Shkinder-Gugel).

Elena G Sunday, October 03, 2010  

Follow you on Twitter (@spelena) anf tweeted:

JACLYN Monday, October 04, 2010  

I LOVE the Hazelwood - Green & Gray
HAZELWOOD NECKLACE. My favorite color!!

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