Baby Inventions
>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Is the amount of things out there to buy for baby not just totally crazy? A new parent's home is CRAMED with baby gear and how much of it do you really use? I remember registering for things when I was pregnant with Piper and I still look back and chuckle at some of it. When Violet came along I had already started to scale back b/c there is nothing that drives me more crazy than stepping over baby crap. All I can say now is poor Ruby. Bless her heart she has a borrowed little bounce seat (it doesn't bounce but it holds her in place for me to shower), a swing that is temperamental and only swings when it feels like it so often times she just lies in it motionless, and an exersaucer. We just started putting her in the exersaucer a few weeks ago and this week she is finally starting to get the fun of it. Thank goodness b/c with her rolling all over the place I have to have something to contain amuse her while I am trying to cook or clean. She loves it and out of everything that I had/have in my home this is probably, in my opinion, the best baby invention they have come up with to date :)
Haha! We bought nothing for Rebekah (no toy, no high chair no nothing)
So I learn a few thing and when Sarah came along we bought and exersaucer and I love it for the same reason as you and a high chair and I don;t think of anything else we really need more regarding baby!
I love for them to explore and learn to use their imagination to entertain themselves (sibling help too)
I remember telling someone that my exersaucer was my sanity in a colorful package. They are wonderful inventions! Glad ruby is liking hers!
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