>> Saturday, October 13, 2007
It has been pretty crazy around here this past week. I swear we were really busy each and every day, next week we will try and not let it get so hectic. Well, after taking Piper to preschool again on Tuesday I decided to pull her out. There is a good little story time at the library on Thursdays and I will find something else for her to do, I just couldn't deal with her crying whenever we mentioned that she had to go to school. Finally got the laundry done from the vacation *blush*, I have gotten so bad at laundry - my poor family. Today Megan and I went to an Etsy craft show at Independence Park in Charlotte. It was pretty cool, I met Amy the Crankymama IRL and bought Piper one of her monster bags. After getting it home I think we will hold off on giving it to her until her birthday and then maybe we will fill it with fun little girlie gifts and maybe a new book or 2. I also found a really cool mama Lori of LORiOLA that made glass necklaces - did I get one for a certain mama expecting...hmm will have to wait and see. Afterwards we headed to the Charlotte Farmer's Market and I got a great deal on 2 HUGE mums for my front pots. While Violet slept this afternoon Piper and I planted them and then also got out some of the Halloween decorations. She saw so many pumpkins today that I will have to put that on our list of places to go next week that will be fun for her. Life around here is pretty boring so I am going to end this post with a montage of our beach trip since I just got to downloading the pictures tonight. Am I the only mama that loves that her daughter digs Dan Zanes, Piper loves him! Here are the beach photos (make sure to turn up your volume), this got a little long but painless I think...

Photo and video editing at www.OneTrueMedia.com
Thanks for the heads up on the Etsy vendors! I love Etsy! I'm going to check out those monster bags now!
Those are such great pictures...I love the one of your cloth diapers drying in the ocean breeze! haha...now if only we always had an ocean breeze to dry our diapers in, huh? :)
The pictures are BEAUTIFUL! You have an "eye" for photography! Jealous you got those cranky pants!! Grrr! SHE is sold out for a while! I love the pic of Piper fixing her baby in her sling!
Hey Jess, I'm so Glad that Matt got your blog-site to me. Now I have a lot of catch up to do. This is absolutely wonderful.
Your post about you mother was spot on! I'm so proud of you! The posts that I've read are terrific, please don't stop.
Love to the family, Nanc
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